Sunday, November 9, 2008

Word for today: Life (John 11:25)

Today as my family and I were driving home from church I noticed an amazing sight. Actually, as I think about it, the sight wasn't really the amazing part - what really wowed me was the realization that God was giving me a beautiful glimpse of truth from His vantage point. Lately I have been praying to see more through God's eyes and to feel His heart beat inside of me. The following event was a crystallizing moment when He answered that prayer and "addressed" me by granting me this glimpse of heavenly perspective.
As my husband, daughter and I were leaving our friend's house where we met for church, we rounded a corner entering the highway heading for home. My mind was wandering and my eyes were scanning the vista. That was when my sight happened upon the old dead cedar tree. What caught my attention about this particular tree was it's strange location; firmly planted right smack dab in the middle of the Park and Ride lot! As I was pondering the oddity of an old growth cedar parked in a parking lot, it was then that I realized what God had wanted me to notice. There was new growth in the form of several trees coming out of the gnarled, ragged top of this petrified stump. The original tree had been there a long time, most likely long before the highway and parking lot, and over time, civilization had been built up around it. Something had caused the tree to die but clearly it's life and death story had not ceased it's impact on this world because I was about to learn something by it!
In the passing of a few seconds, traveling about 45 MPH, I got it - the paradox of death is that it is often essential before new life can begin. For whatever reason the original tree died, it's death allowed several new trees to rise from it's core. And that's when that glimpse of truth was able to transcend my comprehension and I saw from God's vantage point... this is the story of Jesus! God became flesh to dwell among us, all along knowing that death was part of His perfect plan. Jesus lived to teach us how to live and in so doing He healed all forms of brokenness. When it was His time, He died and in so doing He conquered death once and for all, so that new life would sprout up which is this marvelous gift - eternal life. Without His death, He would not have cleansed my sin. Without His death, He would not have been resurrected and evil would not be defeated! Without His death, where would hope be?
I can say with all honesty and thankfulness that for a season of my life I was much like that cedar tree - struggling to live and dying due to the dire circumstances of my life. Unlike the tree though, I had made the choices that were not favorable and so I lived out the consequences of those choices. But God in His grace and mercy resurrected new life out of something that was dead inside of me. He is the One who makes all things new; He is doing it for me and He will do it for you too! And what truly marvels me is that I rarely look at the "old growth dead stump" of my life anymore - God has "planted me" in relationships, situations and an environment where the new life in me is celebrated and encouraged so there is no mourning what has died away!
Do you need to trust God to bring about some new life changing growth in your dead situation, relationship and environment? God is the One who will do that for you! He is the creator of life and He will create something new in you today if you ask Him to! As Isaiah 43:18-19 says, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not see it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." (or creating new life out of a dead tree stump)! Maybe today is the day to trust and believe Jesus will do this for you! I did and I am living proof!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Word for today: Light (John 8:12)

I love a good road trip with my family; exploring new terrain, making memories on an adventure together. The Pacific Northwest is an idyllic place to enjoy trips such as these and recently I had the added bonus when God used one of our adventures to influence my life by "addressing me" in a life changing encounter!

My husband, daughter and I had decided to travel through the Cascade Mountain pass to a little tourist town for a scenic day trip. We started out on our trip a bit late so once we arrived at our destination, the time we were able to spend wandering around this quaint little town was brief although sufficient. This particular adventure happened to be during the ski season and we knew that the roads heading back through the pass would be crowded so we decided to leave this tourist spot just before sunset. My husband is a wonderful and gracious adventurer and he usually takes the driver seat as he did this day so I was a passenger on our return home. From the front passenger seat of our car I spent my time curled up and gazing out the window, mostly thinking and praying that day. But half way through our drive home God showed me something that has shaped my thoughts and the way I live almost every day since.

Along several miles of this highway we travelled right past acres of backyards all lined up nice and neat. When we came to this part of our drive, the night was dark and air was dry. Something in me stirred and I perked up out of my meditative fog when I noticed the lights shining from many of the houses. The lights coming from inside these homes gave a clear almost voyeuristic view into these peoples lives. Many kitchens were well lit, but other rooms were dark or appeared empty. Some smaller windows were illuminated, but had window coverings drawn, to keep out the light of day and possibly the searching eyes such as mine, at night.

I thought to myself, “How would it feel living life so exposed and open to the world?" And then God did His work by bringing this thought to my mind, “You DO live your life exposed -to Me! Whether well lit or dark, I see it all – darkness is as light to Me.” And I shuddered as I remembered the words of David in Psalm 139, “…even in darkness I can not hide from You.”

Traveling on that dark stretch of highway, as I peered into those stranger’s windows, seeing both their hidden and exposed lives, suddenly I was able to see for myself how my life must look to God. Have I tried to “draw the shades” on parts of my life I want to keep from sight? Have I kept the lights out and hidden in the darkness because of fear, sin, or lack of faith?

Suddenly I could see with a fresh new perspective because of this little stretch of highway, on a dark winter night. How much more meaningful God’s Word is to me in verses like Psalm 18:28; “Lord, You have brought light to my life; my God, You light up my darkness.” And Psalm 112:4, “When darkness overtakes the godly, light will come bursting in.”

When I look at my own life now, I think of those houses and the light and dark windows. What windows of my life have I tried to conceal from God’s view? What places in me have remained in darkness because of my own doubts of how much God really loves me?

I know God travelled with me that day so that I could learn this important truth! His desire is for me to live in His light; to live free from fear and to enjoy and fully comprehend His abundant, gracious love. Today, I find great peace knowing I can live my life as an open window. Accepting the truth that all of us have areas where we want to keep curtains drawn only fills my heart with compassion for those who have not experienced what living in Jesus' light is like. The world needs the Light of Christ and each one of us has a part in sharing it in this dark world!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Word for today: Chosen (John 15:16)

Finally after months of arduous campaigning by our presidential candidates, the people of our country have made their decision - many say "Hope Won" with President Elect Barrack Obama! I wonder how this man feels, knowing he has won the favor of the American people and will now lead one of the greatest global superpowers in world history? I can't even imagine what it might feel like to be "chosen" in such a profound way.

Most likely the reason it's difficult for me to comprehend being chosen like this is is because of a memory I have from 2nd grade when I felt the shame of rejection from my classmates. My teacher, Mrs Ayers had picked two team captains for a PE excercise but it was the captains job to choose their team, taking turns until all students had been selected. Now I don't have a lot of memories of my elementary years but I do remember what it was like to be in 2nd grade and I have to say some of the memories are difficult. I was a rather shy little girl and at the age of six I started to put on weight. By 2nd grade I was plump (by today's standards I would classify as obese) and I felt very self conscious and ackward. I don't remember having many friends in class but Mrs. Ayers was a nice teacher and I remembered feeling safe and comfortable in her care until this particular day.

As you might have guessed, the team captains went about their duty stirring up excitement and laughter from all of the children. As the teams were being formed some teasing began as those of us remaining children waited in line with hopes of being chosen next. My stomach was twisted in knots because I was petrified of being chosen last but then I was also afraid I wouldn't be able to live up to the expectation my teammates would place on me to perform in the activity. Mrs. Ayers hurried the captains along and the two teams grew on either side of the dodge ball court. Four of us remained, then three. Looking back at this moment in my life I can't even remember who these other children were or what they looked like, but all that mattered was that we stood there for what seemed like an eternity. Mrs. Ayers came over and to hurry the process along she tapped us each on the shouldrer and pointed to a team, "You go there" and "You, over there." Funny thing is, I don't even remember anything after that except a deep sense of loneliness. Although I was added to a team I was not really "chosen!"

Now fast forward to my middle school years which for many teens can be some of the most difficult years of life. By then I had slimmed down and soon found out what it felt like to be accepted among my peers. Then I was invited to a Young Life meeting where I heard about Jesus Christ. Not only had I found a fun and embracing group of leaders who seemed to care, but I also found a Savior who, I was told, loved me more than His own life, since He gave it up for me on the cross. Through fun and games and goofy skits I began to feel that "Jesus-love" all over me and then one day I heard the words that would break into that 2nd grade wounded heart - "You did not choose Me, but I chose you" from John 15:16. Words from the mouth of my Savior spoken for me, to heal the past and to set me on a course of purposeful life, indeed.

I must say that hearing those words did not "fix" me and instantly make me more confident and assured but from that day they have been with me to remind me that I am valued and loved for what I am, and that I have been hand picked, for something special!

If you have scars caused from the wounds of rejection, I encourage you to let Jesus' words became the mortar that heals and holds your life together. He has chosen us to receive Him and it is through His presence and love in us that we are transformed! Remember whose team you are on today and stand strong!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Word for today: Receive (John 16:24)

I love how God speaks! If you are one who struggles to believe that God still interacts with His people, then I encourage you to find a moment to be still and ask God to help you hear Him. Notice I didn't say "ask God to speak to you." No, the reality is that God is always "addressing us" whether it is through His Holy Word, in our conscious or subconscious thoughts, through many avenues, He is speaking today.

Faith for me, like many is a daily process; I will lay that out there because I don't want to make it sound easy. Just a few short years ago I was wrestling over several faith issues on such a grand scale and what kept surfacing for me was my struggle to believe that God was listening and that He would choose to speak to me. Time after time I would hear people say things like, "God showed me..." or "God told me..." and for the life of me, I didn't get it! I longed to hear God speak into the emptiness inside of me because for many years I had felt God was not there and if He was, He just didn't care. In desperation one day I finally poured out to God my anger, frusteration, longing and pain in a sobbing prayer. By no means was it a pretty sight but the outcome was beautiful and life transforming.

After the sobbing subsided and I was able to catch my breath, something flashed through my mind - it was "something" from the Lord! I heard a thought and it was "when do you listen to Me?" In that very tender moment, the God of all creation spoke to me, as a loving parent would their precious beloved child. I had asked God why He didn't speak to me but my underlying message was that He didn't care about me. He responded with all the care in the world and His word for me was that I didn't let Him!

In that moment I saw my life from His vantage point. As a busy wife, mother, employee, volunteer, friend, as well as other important relationships I lived out, I had left little room to receive what I had longed for and truly needed - the comfort, presence and blessing of my Heavenly Father who always cares for His children.

Because of the lesson of that day I have learned that in asking it's important to be able to receive. As it says in John 16:24, "You have asked nothing in My name. Ask and you will recieve that your joy may be full." Those are the words of a loving Heavenly Father who longs to comfort, bless and encourage us in our life journey. When He addressed me that day, I learned that I needed to ask and then receive and in order for me to receive, I needed to make room for Him. For me making room for Him was to spend time reading the bible daily. It also meant finding a quiet place to be still and alone with Him where I could listen.

My life has never been the same since that day and it just keeps getting better (notice I said better and not easier). What I've gained since I learned to ask and receive is what gives me strength and courage to live. So what could God be saying to you that you are missing? If you are wrestling with a silent God, then ask Him and believe you will receive - that's how He works!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Word for today: Holiness (Isaiah 6:1-8)

There is power in the spoken word! In the beginning, God’s words brought forth life where previously only darkness existed. God’s word is powerful and as people created in God’s image, our words have power too. But the mouth that speaks a blessing can also destroy, because unlike God, we struggle with holiness. When Isaiah was called to use his voice to guide God’s people, he had a life altering encounter with the God he served. Isaiah was allowed to witness God in all of His glory and as he experienced God’s holiness, Isaiah’s own sin was reflected back at him! Upon seeing the Lord on His throne, Isaiah cried out “Woe is me! I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips.” In that moment, Isaiah realized his need to be purified and as he confessed, God provided a way! After the fiery coal touched his lips, Isaiah responded to God’s call to serve.

Like Isaiah, we have been called by God to be His voice in this world. We are His voice that brings forth life in the lives we touch each and every day. So, how are you using your voice? Have your words blessed lives or have you allowed your words to destroy? Like Isaiah, when we recognize our need for holiness, we can experience God’s forgiveness through the blood that Jesus has already shed for us. With cleansed lips we too can bring forth life where previously there was only darkness. With humility, we can invite God to use our powerful voices to speak blessings today!